Robert (Bob) Ballew
US Navy
Dwight Dejean
First Vice Commander
US Army
Lincoln Haynes
2nd Vice & Adjutant
US Army
Darrell Walters
Finance Officer
US Marine Corps
William (Bill) Rowe
US Air Force
Tom Piazza
US Army
Jane Mundis
US Navy
Marie Cont
Past Post 166 Commander
US Navy
Frank Digennaro,
Judge Advocate US Army
Bud Costello
Executive Committee
US Army
Tom Brown
Executive Committee
US Navy
John Surprise
Executive Committee
US Coast Guard
David Kaczanowski
Executive Committee
US Army
Kevin Myhill
Executive Committee
US Army
Our General Membership is 329 strong! Our ranks are made up of 149 Army veterans, 62 Navy veterans, 31 Marine veterans, 64 Air Force veterans, 9 Coast Guard veterans and 11 whose service branches are not listed on our membership roster. Our veterans have served in all conflicts, including four members who served in WWII and our youngest member is a veteran of the Persian Gulf War.
We hold our membership meetings on the second Saturday of every month at 10:00AM and our Executive Committee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00AM. Our meeting notes and by-laws are available to everyone, see Commander Robert Ballew for a copy.
Our projects include:
We partner with Lecanto High School and contribute time and funds to assist in the development of our future soldiers.
We sponsor a deserving high school junior to attend this program. Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments and is operated by students elected to various offices.
We have a fund to be used for the exclusive of helping a Veteran who has fallen on hard times and is in need of temporary help
We hold 4 Flag Retirement Ceremonies per year, several Remembrance Ceremonies, (i.e. 09/11, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, D-Day, etc).
We host the Bloodmobile at our Post every 2 months. In addition to whole blood donations, several of our members opt to donate platelets and double reds.
For God and Country