Debbie Ballew
Cindy Haines
Vice President
Dee Costello
Secretary / Treasurer
Lola Strickland
Sherrie Walters
Sergeant At Arms
Julie Rowe
Vicky Eley
Executive Committee
Judy Salo
Executive Committee
Ida Maslinski
Executive Committee
Jan Habich
Executive Committee
Our Auxiliary membership is made up of 166 members who are the spouses, mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, and adopted daughters of Veterans.
We hold our membership meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 10:00AM at Post 166. Lunch follows for those interested .
We are a community of volunteers serving veterans, military, and their families. We support our Post, our Veterans, our community , and our children and youth with fundraising activities throughout the year that include:
May is Poppy Month
The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. All donations received from the sales are used for programs that support veterans in need, and their families. Donations for Poppies may be made at the Post, and at Walden Woods (various times) .
Poppy's are distributed on Poppy Day (the last Friday of May), Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Donation of Christmas toys for the underprivileged Children
Clothing to be donated to Daystar Life Center's Hurricane Relief
Breakfast dropped of at Homosassa Fire House #3
Donations dropped of the Citrus Country Cold Weather Shelter
House Manager Aaron and a fellow Veterans receive laundry supplies donated by ALA Unit 166
Laundry detergents and fabric softeners collected for the Bridge for Veterans Shelter
Presentation of Quilt of Valor quilted by ALA VP Cyndy Haynes to USAF Veteran Al Evans on his 90th birthday
Awards Received at Installation for membership Goals met and Post Family Newsletter
Managers of Homosassa Dollar Tree presenting school donations to Judy Salo, Education Chairman
Donations of school supplies delivered to principal of Homosassa Elementary School
National Security Program - Ida mailing packages to troops
Dedicating a Wreath in honor of the Four Chaplains
Americanism Program - Sheri Walters plantnig Flags
Community Service Program - Food & clothing donations for the Homeless
Operation Homefront - Toys for Veterans families
Operation Homefront - School Supplies for the Elementary School
Rummage sale with proceeds going to Veterans' Charities
VA&R program- Wrapping 77 lab robes for Veterans
VA&R program - Sheri Walters delivering the lap robes to the VA
VA&R program - Deb Ballew delivering meals to VA Shelter
VA&R program - Lasagna dinner prepared for the VA Shelter
AEF program - Fundraiser to assist members' who need help
Community Service - Jan donating tent and sleeping bag for homeless
2023 Christmas Luncheon at Seagrass Restaurant
Operation Homefront - delivering Christmas toys for the underprivileged
Working President Dee Bell's AEF Disaster Fund
VR & A program in action - Lap Robes for Veterans
Writing thank you cards to accompany lap robes
Wrapping 77 lap robes for Veterans' hospitals
Bells in Service -2023 -24 President Dee Bell's Theme
2022 Christmas Luncheon at Margarita Grill
Patriotic Ceremonies are held several times a day as this restaurant
2022 Christmas gift to each member - Poppy seeds and pot
Car loaded and headed to Post 16 with donations for Blessing Buckets - a program for homeless Veterans
"Operation Homefront " toys delivered to the Army Recruiting Office in Brooksville
$500.00 donation to Daystar Life Center for the purchase of hams for Christmans Dinners
50 Ditty Bags prepared for the homeless veterans that come to Daystar for assistance
Our Unit prepares ditty bags with help from President Jane, 2nd Vice Charlotte and District Pres. Natalie
Unit 166 presented President Jane with her own flat member and pose with all the flat members.
1,981 school supplies items sorted for Give 10 to Education Program are ready to be delivered to our community
Secretary Julie Rowe prepares to unload box of school supplies to CASA in Citrus County
2021 - 2022 Unit President Judy Salo was presented the "Past President" pin by new President Debbie Ballew
Volunteers fron Unit 166 participated in Adapt-A-Highway , with a little help from our American Family members to clean Grove Cleveland Ave on May 1, 2022
2023 Officers with District 4 American Legion Auxiliary President and former Member of Post 166, Natalie Scott
Unit 166 after being presented with the 2022-2023 membership ribbon for obtaining over 100% membership
Member Tammy Chainey and her Poppy donation table set up at the Sugarmill Woods Country Club
Past President Judy Sal and Helen Long with their Poppy table outside of Homosassa Winn Dixie
Member Jeanne MacBurnie and Janice Habich set their Poppy table up at the Homosassa Publix
Member Lind Golfiero with her Poppy donation table in front of the American Legion Post 166
Executive Committee Marion Haley with her Poppy Table at Howard's Flea Market
ALA Department of FL President Wanda Brandt explaining how she became involved with the ALA
ALA Unit 166 President Judy Salo presenting a gift bag to ALA President Wanda Brandt
ALA Department of FL President Wanda Brandt showing off her new shirt presented to her by Unit 166
ALA Unit 166 President Judy Salo presenting a check to Wanda Brandt for her special Projects
Food collected by members of Post 166 for the Veterans Coalition Food Bank
President Judy Salo presenting a check to Veterans Coalition Food bank Chairmen Richard Floyd
Presentation of a check From Crystal River Eagles Auxiliary for sponsorship of a GIrls State candidate.
Presentation of a check to K9 Partners for Patriots with providing training and service dogs for Vets
Presentation of a check from the Walden Woods North Social Club to be used towards helping Veterans
Presentation by Barb Trip and Sherri McDaniel of funds raised at Walden Woods for Poppies on Veterans Day
Operation Home Front Toys - Packed and headed to Citrus County Foster Parents Association
Thirty Four hams purchased by the Auxiliary to be donated to Day Star Life Center
For God and Country